B Corp 101

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Our B Corp 101 workshop does exactly what it says on the tin. Through an interactive talk, we’ll cover everything that’s important to know about the certification and the journey to B Corp. We’ll answer questions like: What is B Corp? Why is it important to businesses? Whats the difference between B Corp, ESG and social and environmental impact? How with the certification change one’s day-to-day work?

Who is this workshop for?

The whole team

What should I expect?

An interactive presentation with running Q&A to make sure no one leaves the session in the dark about B Corp and the impact the certification may have on the business

In-person or online?


How long is this workshop?

1 hour

How many people?


How much?


Impact Report Building

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If you’re a B Corp or aspiring to be one, your business should be producing an impact report. Why? (1) Because it’s standard practice in the community and (2) because the legal agreement which is required to certify commits the directors to “prepare and circulate to its members an impact report for each financial year of the Company” (B Corp legal requirement).

Now that I’ve scared you appropriately, let me ease your nerves by telling you just how simple we have made the Impact Report writing schlep. No matter your budget or the amount of content you have to fill out the report, we’ve got you covered to create something that is appropriate for your business and in line with the best out there. We can integrate with your creative department or become one if needed. These workshops are designed to be flexible to account for the range of different businesses we support.

Who is this workshop for?

This ones for a specific bunch. First we need the person or team who will be responsible for collecting and writing the content for the report. Then we have the creatives (who may or may not be the same as the content collectors) who are responsible for the design and visual elements of the report. Useful other members of the impact report team are a director who can step in every now and again to keep things in line with the company direction and someone from marketing who will be distributing the report to your stakeholders.

What should I expect?

A methodical process which will result in the production of a final draft for your Impact Report content and a visual blueprint for the graphical work.

How long is this workshop?

Two, three-hour sessions

How many people?

1-6 people

How much?


Marketing your B Corp certification

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We see business after business get to the point of certifying and then fail to make full use of the marketing potential of the certification. In this workshop, we’ll explore some of the best practices from across the Shift Community and the B Corp community to get a sense of what’s possible when it comes to marketing your certification. And to let you in on a little secret, it’s a lot deeper than you may think. You’ll leave the workshop with a populated timeline of the first 6 months of certification marketing and a checklist of ‘where should we be putting the badge?’.

Who is this workshop for?

Marketing team or anyone responsible for marketing your certification announcement

What should I expect?

Some mood boarding with best practice examples. You’ll leave the workshop with a map of marketing assets at your disposal and a 1-month marketing timeline.

In-person or online?


How long is this workshop?

1 hour

How many people?

Up to 6

How much?


Impact mapping & materiality

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Impact mapping is an interactive workshop where a group from your business will collectively arrive at a set of impacts/issues that are truly important to your business. This is all about thinking about the big picture; we start most sessions with a short guided meditation to make the most of our time spent visioning your business’s place in the world. After completing this workshop, you will have a list of up to 20 high-priority impacts mapped onto a materiality matrix. This is great content for your impact report and sustainability webpage – not to mention it contributes to attaining your B Corp certification.

Who is this workshop for?

A group that covers the key departments in your business, higher levels of each department recommended .

What should I expect?

A fully expert-led workshop with no need for preparation prior to the session. Also expect a follow up report with content that you can make use of immediately.

In-person or online?

Either (in-person conducted with lots of Post-It notes and online through online whiteboarding tool, Miro)

How long is this workshop?

2.5 hours (with a break) (we suggest you schedule in 3 hours for the workshop)

How many people?

This workshop is ideal for groups of 3-6 (though we are work with slightly larger or smaller groups)

Points in B Corp?

Up to 0.70 points in the ‘Management of Material Social and Environmental Issues’ section of the BIA

How much?
