Impact mapping & materiality

Impact mapping is an interactive workshop where a group from your business will collectively arrive at a set of impacts/issues that are truly important to your business. This is all about thinking about the big picture; we start most sessions with a short guided meditation to make the most of our time spent visioning your business’s place in the world. After completing this workshop, you will have a list of up to 20 high-priority impacts mapped onto a materiality matrix. This is great content for your impact report and sustainability webpage – not to mention it contributes to attaining your B Corp certification.

Who is this workshop for?

A group that covers the key departments in your business, higher levels of each department recommended .

What should I expect?

A fully expert-led workshop with no need for preparation prior to the session. Also expect a follow up report with content that you can make use of immediately.

In-person or online?

Either (in-person conducted with lots of Post-It notes and online through online whiteboarding tool, Miro)

How long is this workshop?

2.5 hours (with a break) (we suggest you schedule in 3 hours for the workshop)

How many people?

This workshop is ideal for groups of 3-6 (though we are work with slightly larger or smaller groups)

Points in B Corp?

Up to 0.70 points in the ‘Management of Material Social and Environmental Issues’ section of the BIA

How much?
