About us

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Future Shift was founded in 2019 with a mission to redesign sustainability for business. Authentic sustainability is everything to us. To see how our impact is getting on, check our 2023 Impact Report.

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We believe that all businesses (not just big corporations) deserve equal access to the highest level of sustainability, reporting and certifications.

We’re proud to have delivered simple and effective sustainability through our partnerships; with an added flavour of activism-aligned thought.

Through the Shift Implementation Platform and Product-Led Consulting methodology, we’re redesigning what sustainability means to business.

Meet the Shifters

Meet the Shifters

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Will Powell

Will is a firm believer that optimal results are achieved when relationships are nurtured with a harmonious balance of excitement and trust. He understands the importance of fostering a culture that not only embraces challenges but also sees them as opportunities for innovation. With a background in marine science, Will also possesses a profound appreciation for aquatic life.

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Gavin Tyrrell

Gavin is a dedicated sustainability consultant who likes to adopt an empathetic-based approach towards consulting and client interactions. He is keenly interested in carbon accounting & reporting, along with equipping clients with the expertise to drive their own long term strategies. With a passion for design thinking, Gavin enjoys using an iterative approach towards achieving novel solutions for those he works with.

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Oli Walkes

A long-time associate of Future Shift, Oli mentors the team at Future Shift on leadership, top level business strategy and creating conditions of consulting excellence for Future Shift Clients. Oli is an experienced leader with a demonstrated history of leading digital change initiatives and business development, across a variety of sectors and industries.

The best way to get to know us is through our blog, Shift Thinking…

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