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This very first edition of the seminar sees our very first clients take to the (digital) stage. Jay and Evie from Yoke dig into impact branding and how businesses can benefit from better communication of their social and environmental impact. We also had Jack from Creative Revolution Group talk us through their B Corp triumphs of late, their experience with Impact Reporting and becoming an employee owned business.
Being our very first Shift Community Seminar, we had a few things to test drive on the technical side of things but nothing too severe. Internally, we were over the moon with the turnout, the engagement from Future Shifts clients and friends, and set the Seminar up to be a meaningful regular appearance in all of out calendars.
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In this Shift Community Seminar, we had two special guests joining us: George Sandilands from Sage Earth and Tom Sellick’s from Pure Table Top. We discussed everything from a startup using B Corp as a framework to transitioning a brand’s core values towards impact.
It was interesting to hear about the sustainability of two quite different companies, working in different sectors, from the perspective of a director & founder (George) and a sustainability coordinator (Tom).
There was great engagement in the breakout rooms after the Q&A from the Shift Community and lots of questions from the audience. We took some feedback on board form last Seminar and left a solid 30 minutes for breakout rooms (a favourite part of the Seminar for many of the delegates).
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In our final Shift Community Seminar of the year, we had special guest Phil Hawthorne join us from Red Paddle to talk about how he incorporates circular design into his work! As head of design at Red Paddle Co, Phil has been our key man when it’s come to planning the company’s B Corp journey, and it’s safe to say; his passion for circular design has really come through in this process. Naturally, we had to get him involved in our seminar to talk about it.
Fired with tons of excellent questions from our attendees Phil helped us understand the importance of design in eliminating waste! It’s one thing reducing package from a product, but it’s a whole other deal designing something that produces no waste in itself! Consequently, Phil got us all fired-up to dream big and think of new ways we can do business in ways that benefits people and our planet.
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