Social and environmental mission statement building

Mission statements are usually customer-focused, but with social and environmental stakeholders being incorporated into decision-making – times are changing.

Mission statements are usually customer-focused, but with social and environmental stakeholders being incorporated into decision-making – times are changing. This short workshop will help you produce a social and environmental mission statement that, is either complimentary to your existing mission, or a new mission entirely. This workshop is for people at the director level but we will survey your employees before the workshop to make sure everyone gets a say in crafting your mission.

Who is this workshop for?

Director-level or those who decide the company mission.

What should I expect?

An expert-led workshop with no need for preparation required. You’ll leave the workshop with a new mission statement.

In-person or online?

Either (in-person conducted with lots of Post-Its notes and online through online whiteboarding tool, Miro)

How long is this workshop?

1 hour (without a break)

How many people?

1-3 people

Points in B Corp?

Up to 0.75 points in the ‘Mission Statement Characteristics’ section of the BIA

How much?
