One small step in the fight for a sustainable future, one giant leap for Future Shift

I’m very proud to announce that we can introduce the next member of Future Shift. We’re privileged to be at a point where we need more hands on deck to keep up with the amazing work of our clients in pushing the sustainability agenda forward.
Tom Jackson is joining us as a Junior Sustainability Consultant and employee founder. Our decision to get Tom on board (from an initial fear-inducing 320 applicants) was an easy one. His heart is in the same place as ours when it comes to redesigning what sustainability means to business from a position of frustration with the status quo.
But enough from me, over to Tom.

I’m Tom.
I’m passionate about people and the planet, and right now, feel incredibly lucky to be joining the team at Future Shift.
But how did I get here?
Well, I’m glad you ask; I’ve spent four enjoyable years studying the likes of Chemistry, Climate Science, and Policy at Bristol University, seasoned with a touch of philosophy for good measure. But that’s not just it. I’m also here because I share the same passion as Oscar and Will for looking after people and our planet.
Sure, that’s nice, but what made you so passionate?
Well, again, thanks for the question. I’ve always been passionate about people, I think that’s how I am wired, but my appreciation for the planet began in 2016 during my first gap year.
During this year, I worked in a Zimbabwean Agricultural college for six months, teaching English and Maths, mentoring students, and learning how hard manual labour is! (Really hard) My year out was a formative time for me; I made a ton of friends and learned a lot from the students on the farm. Agriculture is an industry vulnerable to climate change, a fact not lost on my new friends, and they taught me to be mindful of the resources I was using and respect the earth. These humble interactions began a conviction to pursue sustainability, a conviction that has come to dictate my career path six years later.

So now what?
Now I’ve begun working for Future Shift. I hope to make an immediate impact here and further the great work already being done by the company. I want to combine my technical expertise with my long-held passions, and reimagine how businesses can serve to empower people and regenerate the planet.
I appreciate these goals may appear ambitious, but at Future Shift redesigning sustainability for businesses is our everyday mission, and we are determined to dream big.
… And if that’s not exciting enough to keep me motivated, I have only to remember the 320 other (fear-inducing) applicants! (yikes)