Workplace activism: How to use your career for good
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Workplace activism is at the core of everything we do at Future Shift. It is the idea that employees, businesses, and the environment/society can all benefit from a more activist mindset in the workplace. Whether it’s future proofing your product through innovation, marketing with the times, or making sure that you’re an attractive employer to younger people, workplace activism can elevate all aspects of any organisation. This workshop is a talk followed by a visioning exercise designed to make participants think about their working lives in the context of a global system of living beings. Be prepared to dig deep to create several promises that you’ll be making to your future self.
Who is this workshop for?
Anyone and everyone within you workplace
What should I expect?
An expert-led workshop with no preparation required apart from having an open mind. You’ll leave the workshop with an envelope of promises.
In-person or online?
In-person (human connection is required for this workshop)
How long is this workshop?
2 hours (with a break)
How many people?
Up to 20
How much?